Friday, February 24, 2012

21 Suggestions for Success!

Today, the "starts" put on their best gowns and insanely-priced bling to celebrate the 84th Oscar Academy Award Ceremony. Anyone who is "anyone" in the Movie Industry is there with a smile from ear to ear and holding their stomach in as they pose for the flashes on the red carpet. I am a major cinephile but I have to admit this year I could not watch as many movies as I would have liked, so I will abstain from giving my opinion on who I think should get the golden statue of "uncle Oscar". I am watching it (like millions of people all around the world who are tweeting their fingers raw analyzing every single detail of the night) to have something to talk about tomorrow during the coffee-break.

As the celebs passed by I got inspired and I have decided to write a topic about something everybody's looking for, SUCCESS. The kind of success I am going to be talking about here may differ from the one we think we want but it is definitely the one we need. I am talking about the success that makes us feel full of energy and that everyday is a precious gift from the gods and not another burden until the long-waited weekend arrives.

Success is that state of mind where love, satisfaction, self-realization coexist leaving the person so high on endorphins and so cheerful that no matter how many people want to burst your bubble you just can't help but smile.

My 2012 Resolution was to find this Nirvana and be the best damn version of me that I can be. So when I wanted to get started, the engineer in me shouted out loud the first stage of this quest: RESEARCH!!!!! I need to know the steps to get there and since Google Maps wasn't very helpful I had to expand my horizons and check many sources. I went from Yogi's websites to the weirdest blogs but they were either too spiritual or too earthly-bound approaches to success. (Some other day I will talk about some of these, because I have found some diamonds. It is hilarious to see what some people consider success, just an example The Game by Neil Strauss Pricesless!!!) Eventually I came up with a list written by H. Jackson Brown Jr. that in my opinion best summarizes the steps to achieve success.

Brown's list finds the equilibrium between practical tips and personality tricks for us to reach our goal. making sure we are generous but also saving like the little ant for potential lean periods. It encourages us to take responsibility of every area of our life and own it, stop blaming the boss, the ex, the system and change what we dislike. It advises as to strive for excellence and not to resign ourselves with less than optimal.

All this may sound obvious to all of us but when I honestly assess my life, I find I am not complying with more than half of them and I kinda feel like an idiot. So I've decided to repeat every morning what it is that I want so I can stay focused on my mission. I nowhere near goal cause sometimes I take a detour of the route (I graduated with Honours in Procrastination) but I will get there some day. And I will definitely let you know when I do :D

Hope you enjoyed the post, the next one is coming out soon!


PS. I am so proud of the Spanish actors in Hollywood right now, no matter what haters say they are doing what they love and at the top of their career and making a name for Spain and themselves in such a competitive world. Keep up the good work!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

I just came to say Hello....

Hello everyone,

After several vain attempts to share all the bedlam happening inside my head, I have decided to sit down and write this blog. This option is considerably cheaper than a shrink!

I am not sure what it is that pushes me to put my thoughts into words and publish them for the world to see. Maybe it is my not-so-well-hidden flasher and exhibitionist personality, pure vanity or just the idea that some of the words written here may some day inspire someone or at least put a smile on the face of some of the readers that voluntarily search for my blog or due to the random nature of the Internet end up reading my stories.

I will try hard to avoid making this a Me-Me-Me blog. I will not only talk about my experiences (I doubt that's what you want to read anyways but if you are one of my stalkers please follow me on Twitter or add me on Facebook) I will also give my "witty and sarcastic point of view" (sarcastic mode ON) on current events, music, tech, mooooovies and barely anything that catches my attention. Please bare in mind that this is MY personal and honest opinion, and I mean to disrespect no one, if you find some of comments hurtful in any ways (suck it, loser!) please let me know and I will see what I can do.

One last remark I want to make is that I will try to be as genuine and original as possible but, when the muses forsake me, I will find inspiration from other sources, and by that I mean that I will copy and paste content with very little to no remorse :P (I will always acknowledge the source of my "inspiration" though!)

Keep tuned to Fonso's station!!!!!

