Thursday, February 23, 2012

I just came to say Hello....

Hello everyone,

After several vain attempts to share all the bedlam happening inside my head, I have decided to sit down and write this blog. This option is considerably cheaper than a shrink!

I am not sure what it is that pushes me to put my thoughts into words and publish them for the world to see. Maybe it is my not-so-well-hidden flasher and exhibitionist personality, pure vanity or just the idea that some of the words written here may some day inspire someone or at least put a smile on the face of some of the readers that voluntarily search for my blog or due to the random nature of the Internet end up reading my stories.

I will try hard to avoid making this a Me-Me-Me blog. I will not only talk about my experiences (I doubt that's what you want to read anyways but if you are one of my stalkers please follow me on Twitter or add me on Facebook) I will also give my "witty and sarcastic point of view" (sarcastic mode ON) on current events, music, tech, mooooovies and barely anything that catches my attention. Please bare in mind that this is MY personal and honest opinion, and I mean to disrespect no one, if you find some of comments hurtful in any ways (suck it, loser!) please let me know and I will see what I can do.

One last remark I want to make is that I will try to be as genuine and original as possible but, when the muses forsake me, I will find inspiration from other sources, and by that I mean that I will copy and paste content with very little to no remorse :P (I will always acknowledge the source of my "inspiration" though!)

Keep tuned to Fonso's station!!!!!



1 comment:

  1. this option is considerably cheaper than a shrink hahaahahaha
